Webinar: Federal Bidder Protest Process
Dec 10, 2020 | Webinar
This webinar offered contractors a tour through the protest process and presented various options a contractor may have, depending upon the type of contracting vehicle the government is using, for contesting an outcome.
Architectural Contractors Forum: Copper, Brass, Bronze and Related Alloys in Architectural Metals Ap
Nov 12, 2020 | Webinar
Copper has become a metal of choice on many projects due to its durability, adaptability, and aesthetic appeal, and the use of brass and bronze has also increased in building designs.
Webinar: Construction Claims Involving the Federal Government
Nov 10, 2020 | Webinar
Construction projects are complex enough, but layer in the unique processes involved with Federal contracting make it that much tougher to manage. With so many moving parts and players involved, it’s no surprise that contractual disputes and claims
Residential Forum Webinar: Leadership & Company Culture
Nov 5, 2020 | Webinar
This informative session, led by Jeff Plant of BDR, will help you find out where you can have the most impact on your company culture.
Scheduling and Planning Best Practices Webinar
Oct 28, 2020 | Webinar
What were once considered new methods of production – particularly collaborative production planning, prefabrication, and automation – are increasingly commonplace and proving their value.
Driving Project Success in A Remote Working Environment
Oct 15, 2020 | Webinar
The “new normal” of remote work has changed the climate of how projects are managed. This EDGE Conference presentation featured innovative strategies designed to increase productivity in a remote working environment.
Turning Field Obstacles into Opportunities
Oct 15, 2020 | Webinar
Supervisors and field leaders are constantly faced with field obstacles that prevent them from being successful and profitable. This EDGE Conference session offered extremely valuable insights to help you work towards mitigating, and eventually,
Change Order Management for Field Supervisors – It Takes Teamwork
Oct 15, 2020 | Webinar
Effective change order management can dramatically reduce a subcontractor’s risk and increase profitability. This EDGE Conference session explored the change order process from a subcontractor’s viewpoint and reviewed the proper workflow necessary to
SMACNA’s System Air Leakage Test Standard: Aspects to Testing an Entire HVAC System
Oct 15, 2020 | Webinar
This session covered SMACNA’s newest standard, the System Air Leakage Test Standard (SALT) and gave a brief history of how and why testing ductwork and the system has changed over time.
Effectively Supporting the Field: A Self-Assessment
Oct 14, 2020 | Webinar
This EDGE Conference session featured the most common project management limitations and reviewed meaningful solutions that will improve the way you prepare and support your field staff.
Apps for Construction - The Five Workflows to Digitize for Your Construction Company
Oct 13, 2020 | Webinar
In this EDGE Conference session, industry expert Rob McKinney shared his years of experience researching, selecting and implementing mobile technology on construction projects. Learn about the latest options available for mobile apps and how to make
Strategic Selling: A Systematic Approach to Winning Work in Complex, Competitive Environments
Oct 13, 2020 | Webinar
In this session, Anderton helps you craft strategic approaches to bid specific work opportunities that will increase the likelihood of your company being selected to build the project.
Advanced Enterprise Budgeting and Forecasting
Oct 13, 2020 | Webinar
Today, more than ever, Chief Financial Officers need to increase their sophistication in linking business strategy to budgeting and forecasting. This presentation will help you gain a better understanding of the bottom up approach to budgeting using
How HVAC Systems Impact COVID-19 Transmission Based on Scientific Evidence
Oct 13, 2020 | Webinar
This EDGE Conference session outlined some of the latest research related to how HVAC systems can and should be modified to reduce the probability of COVID-19 transmission.
NHF Webcast: Pandemics and Productivity
Aug 7, 2020 | Webinar
This webcast breaks down the New Horizons Foundation report on Pandemics and Productivity in easy-to-understand pieces and explains how contractors can use the findings.
What Protection of Sexual Orientation Under Federal Law Means for Contractors
Jul 16, 2020 | Webinar
In 2020, the Supreme Court determined that sexual orientation and gender identity are protected classes covered under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. This webinar explores examples of discriminatory behaviors and scenarios, discusses liability
Preparing for an Unfair Labor Practice
Jun 29, 2020 | Webinar
This webinar covers the NLRB’s process for investigating ULP charges, techniques for presenting your best case, best practices for working with the NLRB investigator, how to avoid traps for the unwary, and potential options if the outcome of the
Webinar: Federal Contracting for Small Businesses
Jun 18, 2020 | Webinar
The third in the five-part Federal Contracting webinar series reviewed how your company can take advantage of the opportunities available through new and existing Federal Government Small Business programs.
Webinar: Teaming and Joint Venturing and COVID-19 in Federal Contracting
Apr 22, 2020 | Webinar
The second webinar in our five-part series focused on the use of teaming and joint venturing as a strategy to secure government work.
COVID-19 Special Webcast: Staying Calm and Seizing Opportunities
Apr 17, 2020 | Webinar
Recognizing that strong, steady leadership in a time of crisis is an essential skill, SMACNA partnered with Eric Anderton, a trusted construction-industry expert and business partner to host a webcast on how you can rise to the challenges presented