Welcome to SMACNA’s Premier Partner Zone – a section of our website devoted to Premier Partner news and services. Read more about each company, related events, photos, news, and special announcements pertinent to SMACNA members.

While the content posted on this site is reviewed for appropriateness by SMACNA for members, SMACNA does not endorse, recommend, or approve any of the products or services mentioned on the Premier Partner Zone pages.


For over 75 years, Titus has shown that functionality can also be beautiful. Titus makes air management products that deliver the highest degree of comfort, and these products have redefined what it means to be energy efficient.


Procore is a leading global provider of construction management software. Over one million projects and more than $1 trillion USD in construction volume have run on Procore's platform. Our platform connects every project stakeholder to solutions we've built specifically for the construction industry—for the owner, the general contractor, and the specialty contractor.

Milwaukee Tool

Since the company began in 1924, Milwaukee Tool has led the industry in developing innovative solutions that deliver increased productivity and unmatched durability for professional construction users.

Johns Manville

Johns Manville is a leading manufacturer and marketer of premium-quality insulation and commercial roofing, along with glass fibers and nonwovens for commercial, industrial and residential applications. Our history goes back to 1858, when the H.W. Johns Manufacturing Company began operations out of a tenement building in New York City.

Federated Insurance

Federated Mutual Insurance Company is proud to partner with SMACNA for the benefit of all members. Since 1904, Federated Mutual Insurance Company has been committed to providing insurance that helps protect not only businesses, but business owners’ peace of mind. Our programs are tailored to the unique exposures of the sheet metal and air conditioning industries. Additionally, Federated offers risk management resources to address your industry's specific needs.

Mestek Machinery

Mestek Machinery is an industry-leading provider of the most complete, innovative metal forming solutions, specializing in machinery manufacturing for HVAC ductwork. Our family of companies – Lockformer, Iowa Precision Industries, Engel Industries and Roto Die – have decades of experience addressing every facet of the HVAC industry.


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