Clean Air in Buildings Challenge

As people return to work, their knowledge of Indoor Environmental Quality and its impact on their health has changed with their arrival. Now more than ever, building occupants understand the connection between their health as it relates to the building’s environment within.

To make building occupants as comfortable and safe as possible, building owners and operators have focused their attention on making ventilation and other IAQ improvements.

For Building Owners And Operators

The following sections of the US EPA’s Clean Air in Buildings Challenge serve as a checklist to improve the safety and health of all occupants within your building(s). The primary difference between the EPA’s version and the following sections is SMACNA identifies when it is most appropriate to work with a professional on Clean Air in Buildings Challenge item.

How does the challenge seek to accomplish its goals?

The EPA believes that these strategies outlined above, along with other mitigation techniques, can improve the health of all building occupants and maintain an elevated level of safety for a long time to come. 

In addition, there are other steps that the government is taking to enhance IAQ throughout the country, including:

  • Encouraging state, local, and tribal governments to make ventilation improvements and upgrades using funds provided through legislation such as the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the Infrastructure and Jobs Act (Bipartisan Infrastructure Law). School districts are a primary focus of this effort. 
  • Increasing public awareness of the need for improved IAQ both at work and at home. 
  • Looking to recognize exceptional achievement in large building IAQ similarly to programs such as LEED, which recognize outstanding work in promoting energy efficiency, and Indoor airPLUS that recognize achievement in home IAQ.
  • Leverage private-public partnerships to encourage additional innovation in IAQ technologies.

What resources are available to contractors to promote the goals of the Challenge?

Funding through the American Rescue Plan.

The EPA and CDC have made several resources available in guiding local and state governments through the process of the Challenge.

We Are What We Breathe Website

Learn more about air quality at our website, WEAREWHATWEBREATHE.COM

The SMACNA Advantage

SMACNA is dedicated to helping members run successful businesses by providing many benefits that create a competitive advantage.

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IAQ Guidelines for Occupied Buildings Under Construction


The Guideline covers how to manage the source of air pollutants, control measures, quality control and documentation, communication with occupants. It includes example projects, tables, references, resources, and checklists. Methods to identify and remediate lead, asbestos, or other materials that are classified as hazardous materials are not intended to be within the scope of this standard.

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