Find the latest apps developed by SMACNA.
This app provides suggested leakage classes using the method outlined in SMACNA's HVAC Air Duct Leakage Manual. The method used is compliant with ASHRAE 90.1, IECC, IGCC Version 2, IMC and the UMC.
This app allows you to easily and accurately size downspout and gutters using the methods and formulas covered in SMACNA’s Architectural Sheet Metal Manual (ASMM).
This app works as a Ductulator and Pressure Loss (friction) calculator.
This app will help create Web-based Exhaust Designs using the Constant Velocity Design Method
This app allows you to create table driven solutions using the methods and formulas covered in SMACNA’s HVAC Duct Construction Standard (Metal and Flexible).
This members-only app allows you to create table driven solutions using the methods and formulas covered in SMACNA’s Rectangular Industrial Duct Construction Standards Manual.
This cloud-based program provides members with the labor units data required to fabricate and install HVAC materials and equipment. Duct materials of all common types are covered separately for fabrication and installation rates by lb/hr or hour per piece
This app allows you to create solutions using the methods and formulas covered in SMACNA’s Round Industrial Duct Construction Standards Manual.
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SMACNA National Headquarters 4201 Lafayette Center Drive Chantilly, Virginia 20151 Tel: (703) 803-2980
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