Project Execution


  • The report helps contractors as they seek to identify early on, which risks/opportunities deserve resources, develop early stages of an effective project risk assessment/management plan, and improve results using effective risk assessment/management

  • This report includes a cost and schedule control system to measure, track, and forecast cost, percent complete, and completion date.

  • To attain improved performance, management must commit to and support the outcome of an event, which is loosely described as the application of Lean using a prescribed methodology in a concentrated area of operations in a short period of time.

  • This project updates research conducted in 2005. The need for the update was driven by the increasing complexity of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and sheet metal construction industry. Advancements in technology, financial

  • The purpose of this implementation manual, developed as part of a three-phase research project, is to present a comprehensive preconstruction planning process, with 50 step-by-step activities in 12 key planning categories.

  • This study recommends the development of a new procurement process to achieve better time, cost, and quality. This can be accomplished through direct collaboration with all stakeholders in the procurement chain to produce a horizontally integrated

  • The study identifies what “lean” means in the sheet metal and HVAC construction industry. It also suggests how lean can be transferred and implemented in the construction industry and which techniques are most applicable. It compares and reviews

  • The New Horizons Foundation formed a research team to focus on the impact of change orders on labor productivity specifically for the sheet metal industry. The team developed a model that can estimate the productivity loss on a project impacted by

  • This study shows how schedule compression affects sheet metal contractors’ labor productivity, and quantifies the effects of overtime, shift work, and overmanning. Models that quantify the impact of each on the labor productivity of sheet metal


SMACNA Resources on Lean

SMACNA Resources on Prefab/Modularization

SMACNA Resources on TABB/Commissioning and Service

SMACNA Resources on Contracts