Avoid Common Pitfalls in the Design & Installation of VRF Systems

Learn how to select the right condensing unit, gain perspective on handling cold climate projects, evaluate ventilation options, identify estimating differences across system types, and recognize opportunities for value engineering.

Article content provided by Trane.

We recognize that VRF systems design and installation can be complex due to its nature and variety of manufactures with unique installation rules. Trane®’s webinar led by experts Laura Michel, Trane’s Ductless Product Manager, and Miguel Martinez, Mitsubishi Electric Trane US (METUS), Area Sales Manager, can help contractors navigate the complexities of VRF design and installation.

Learn how to select the right condensing unit, gain perspective on handling cold climate projects, evaluate ventilation options, identify estimating differences across system types, and recognize opportunities for value engineering.  By utilizing these best practices, you can avoid common mistakes in the design and installation of VRF systems.

Watch this webinar recording now.

Learn more about Trane® / Mitsubishi Electric VRF solutions.

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