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Laura O'Neill

Laura O'Neill, Director of Public Engagement for the U.S. Department of Commerce. Prior to that she spent 20 months on the Biden campaign serving in a variety of roles.

Federal Contracting

You may have questions about your role as an employer. This site provides answers to common questions about workers and business. An employer is an organization, institution, government entity, agency, company, 

Chapter Executive Resources

SMACNA Conflict of Interest Policy

This conflict of interest policy is designed to help directors, officers, committee members, task force members and employees of the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (“SMACNA”) identify situations that present potential conflicts of interest.

Federal Contracting


FebBizOpps, or FBO, is the Federal government website that posts all Federal Procurement opportunities with a value over $25,000.00. FedBizOpps.Gov provides you with a sophisticated search engine for finding more than 40,000 immediate RFP opportunities, archived records, lists possible future federal contract opportunities and offers training programs at the site to teach you the mechanics using the FBO system.


The Titus Return Canopy

With an easy-to-install covering over the back of return air grilles in the ceiling plenum space, this new product ensures that conversations taking place within a private office or conference room can remain private.

Employee Policies

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New State COVID-19 Liability Laws

This presentation outlines the proposed “Safe to Work” Act, which imposes strict nationwide limitations on COVID-19 related tort liability.  The limitations are retroactive from December 1, 2019 and extend to October 1, 2024.

Project Management

SMACNA’s project management resources and educational programs provide members with the necessary tools to help them manage projects efficiently, safely and on-time.


How to Handle Grievances

Employee complaints are bound to arise in any business operation: even the best contractor won't be able to avoid the occasional grievance. The majority of sheet metal collective bargaining agreements have adopted the grievance procedures set forth in the Standard Form of Union Agreement for the Sheet Metal Industry (SFUA), which calls for a four‐step process for resolution of grievances. Contractors should ensure they are familiar with their collective bargaining agreement's grievance process, including any time limitations.

CEA National Issues 2023 Speaker

Lafe Solomon

Lafe Solomon has practiced labor law in the federal government for over 40 years. He served in many capacities at the National Labor Relations Board, culminating in his appointment by President Barack Obama as Acting General Counsel from June 2010 to November 2013.

Chapter Executive Resources

SMACNA Connect Chapter Executives Community

The Chapter Executives Community provides and opportunity for chapter executives to query each other and share ideas on chapter administration and industry concerns. 

To subscribe, send an email to SMACNA Member Services at Indicate that you would like to subscribe to the Chapter Executives Community. 


Jessie Stolark

Jessie Stolark is the Executive Director for the Carbon Capture Coalition, a non-partisan collaboration of more than 100 companies, unions, conservation, and environmental policy organizations, building federal policy support to enable economywide, commercial scale deployment of carbon management technologies. 

HR & Employee Management

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Questions for Consideration When Terminating Employees for Cause

With adoption of the Code of Excellence by SMART, many contractors asked whether they should terminate an employee for cause and whether doing so increases the contractor’s exposure to employment based lawsuits by terminated employees. SMACNA explains why terminating for cause can benefit employers and outlines best practices for termination.

Chapter Supervisory Training Programs

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How To Be A More Effective Foreman

Speaker: Kevin Dougherty

Interested in improving your communication skills, and being more productive? This program covers proven conflict resolution techniques, communication skills, productivity enhancement, motivational tactics, time management ideas and many more skills that a foreman needs in order to thrive today.

Federal Contracting

Federal Contracting

SMACNA provides members with resources that will help them pursue federal contracting opportunities, particularly in relation to the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

Federal Contracting

Federal Acquisition Regulations System

The Federal Acquisition Regulations System is established for the codification and publication of uniform policies and procedures for acquisition by all executive agencies. The Federal Acquisition Regulations System consists of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), which is the primary document, and agency acquisition regulations that implement or supplement the FAR.

Federal Contracting

Federal Contractor Requirements

Federal contractors are individuals or employers who enter into a contract with the United States (any department or agency) to perform a specific job, supply labor and materials, or for the sale of products and services.

Labor Relations

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Trustee Resources

SMACNA offers educational opportunities to trustees of our industry’s trust funds. These resources focus on the basic trust fund and fiduciary principles identified by the Department of Labor (DOL) as being the most needed, as well as on new developments in the law and trends in controlling plan costs. 

CEA National Issues 2023 Speaker

Senator Peter Welch

Peter Welch has been a champion for working Vermonters throughout his career. Since his election to the House of Representatives in 2006, he has been widely recognized as a thoughtful and effective legislator who chooses governing over gridlock.