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Aug 28 2023

Understand Your A/R Like Never Before

Get a complete and real-time look into the financial health of your company. Use Siteline’s new visual reporting and dashboards to unlock new levels of visibility into your A/R, and project your billings with our new forecasting feature.

Aug 28 2023

EZ Connector System from Duro Dyne

This revolutionary duct connection system can significantly reduce installation time and labor over traditional duct assembly. It is the first and only corner system on the market that allows the contractor to fasten a patented locking bolt using a cordless impact driver.

Contractor Operations Manual Aug 23 2023

Right Sizing: The Keys to Profitably Scaling Your Business

In "Right Sizing: The Keys to Profitably Scaling Your Business," the crucial distinction between growth and scale is illuminated. While growth involves adding resources in tandem with revenue, scale emphasizes rapid revenue increase while incrementally managing resources. This book unveils the formula for successful scaling – adding customers while judiciously allocating resources, driving consistent growth and heightened profit margins. The challenges of scaling are explored, from evolving business processes to managing larger teams, while potential pitfalls like operational complexity and customer satisfaction balance are dissected. With insights into adapting leadership styles, pacing expansion, and strategic right-sizing, this book equips contractors to navigate the intricate path of growth and scale while maintaining profitability even amidst market shifts.

This document is free to members in the SMACNA Store.

  • Dollar SignPDF $75.00

SMACNA Comments Aug 14 2023

Transferability and Direct Pay Proposed Rule

SMACNA comments in support of the Internal Revenue Service’s (“IRS”) and the U.S. Treasury Department’s (“Treasury”) Proposed Rules, “Section 6418 Transfer of Certain Credits,” 88 Fed. Reg. 40496 (June 21, 2023) (hereafter “Transferability Proposed Rule”) and “Section 6417 Elective Payment of Applicable Credits,” 88 Fed. Reg. 40528 (June 21, 2023) (hereafter “Direct Pay Proposed Rule”). 

SMACNA fully supports the IRA, including but not limited to the Direct Pay (Section 6417) and Transferability (Section 6418) provisions.  Before these amendments, it was not possible to monetize federal tax credits generated by renewable energy projects outside of tax equity financing structures. The Direct Pay and Transferability Provisions allow new investors to enter the market, creating a broader and more diverse market to finance projects more quickly and affordably.

SMART/SMACNA Comments Aug 14 2023

Transferability (Section 6418 Transfer of Certain Credits) Proposed Rule

SMART and SMACNA address transferability from two perspectives: first, as supporters of compliance with prevailing wage requirements for the protection of workers and to protect signatory contractors who comply with labor standards from underbidding by violators of these prevailing wage standards; and second, as supporters of small businesses who will benefit from tax credits and create “good”[1] union jobs in communities. 

View Here Aug 10 2023

Labor Law 101

Labor law expert, Tom Trachsel, from Felhaber Larson, will provide the legal framework within which unions and associations must operate. Topics covered will include common terms and phrases explained, unfair labor practices (ULP), communicating with union members, hot cargo provisions and more.

Aug 10 2023

Labor Law 101

Labor law expert, Tom Trachsel, from Felhaber Larson, will provide the legal framework within which unions and associations must operate.  Topics covered will include common terms and phrases explained, unfair labor practices (ULP), communicating with union members, hot cargo provisions and more.


SMACNA Applauds DOL’s Historic Davis-Bacon Act Reforms

The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association (SMACNA) is supported by more than 3,500 construction firms engaged in industrial, commercial, residential, architectural and specialty sheet metal and air conditioning construction throughout the United States.


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Take Part in The Emerging Leaders Program

This joint labor/management program, occurring as a part of the 2024 Partners in Progress Conference, is designed to identify and develop individuals who show promising leadership potential in their local areas.


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How Contractors Can Get Help Through SMART MAP

SMART Members Assistance Program (MAP) is designed to help their members and members’ families having difficulty with depression, substance use disorders, and other mental health-related problems and a version of this initiative is available through the chapter education program.


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Clean Up Your Chapter Roster!

Chapter Executives who complete a review of at least 85% of their chapter’s roster by September 30, 2023 will have their registration fee for January’s Chapter Executive Institute waived.


Dennis Leebow Passes Away

Former Majestic Steel USA CEO built his Cleveland-based company from the ground up and was a long-time champion and friend to SMACNA and the entire HVAC industry.