Webinar: Introduction to Industry Funds

Jan 11, 2023

The first part of SMACNA's Industry Fund Seminar is designed for new chapter executives and industry fund trustees who want important information on the basics of managing an industry fund and those chapter executives and industry fund trustees looking for a great refresher course.

Viewers will gain highly useful insights into the inner workings and fundamentals of industry fund management and operations. Some of the covered topics include:

• Why a local industry fund?
• What is the proper industry fund structure?
• The interplay between the local industry fund and the chapter/association.
• The impact of federal labor and tax law on industry funds.
• The permissible and impermissible fund uses.
• Industry fund governance, policies, and practices to have in place.

  • Industry Funds Basics Presentation (Powerpoint)

    This webinar was led by Daniel Kelly, Attorney with Felhaber Larson, and Joye Blanscett, Executive Director of Operations with SMACNA.