Webinar: Industry Fund Advanced Concepts and Common Issues
Jan 18, 2023 | Webinar
The second part of the webinar series is designed to educate chapter executives on best practices for industry fund administration.
Webinar: Introduction to Industry Funds
Jan 11, 2023 | Webinar
Session provides viewers with important information on the basics of managing an industry fund and those chapter executives and industry fund trustees looking for a great refresher course.
Webinar: How Contractors Can Tap Technology to Make the Most of Their Workforce
Dec 6, 2022 | Webinar
The labor shortage in construction is not new. Contractors have been "managing around" this obstacle for decades doing what they can with what they've got; using pen and paper as well as software designed to bridge the gap but ultimately lacking in
Webinar: When Does Withdrawal Liability Become Triggered?
Nov 10, 2022 | Webinar
This is the second webinar in SMACNA's three-part Withdrawal Liability webinar series.
Webinar: The Basics of Withdrawal Liability
Oct 25, 2022 | Webinar
This is the first webinar in SMACNA's three-part Withdrawal Liability webinar series.
Webinar: Addressing Performance Issues Within Your SKilled Workforce
Oct 18, 2022 | Webinar
Too often, contractors are reluctant to address performance issues with their skilled workforce. This session will provide practical “how-to’s” for investigating, documenting, and making decisions to address performance issues in a unionized
Pension Plans and the American Rescue Plan
May 6, 2021 | Webinar
The recently passed American Recovery Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) included several provisions that could impact multiemployer plans. This webinar for SMACNA members, chapter executives, and trustees outlined key provisions in the ARPA that are applicable
HVAC Contractors Forum Webinar: Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) for HVAC & Mechanical Contractors
Dec 16, 2020 | Webinar
Matt Barrows, Assistant Professor of Practice, Construction Programs at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, facilitated this discussion with SMACNA contractors Matt Cramer of Dee Cramer, Inc., Kevin Louis of Martin Petersen Company, Inc., and Ross
Architectural Contractors Forum: Copper, Brass, Bronze and Related Alloys in Architectural Metals Ap
Nov 12, 2020 | Webinar
Copper has become a metal of choice on many projects due to its durability, adaptability, and aesthetic appeal, and the use of brass and bronze has also increased in building designs.
Change Order Management for Field Supervisors – It Takes Teamwork
Oct 15, 2020 | Webinar
Effective change order management can dramatically reduce a subcontractor’s risk and increase profitability. This EDGE Conference session explored the change order process from a subcontractor’s viewpoint and reviewed the proper workflow necessary to
SMACNA’s System Air Leakage Test Standard: Aspects to Testing an Entire HVAC System
Oct 15, 2020 | Webinar
This session covered SMACNA’s newest standard, the System Air Leakage Test Standard (SALT) and gave a brief history of how and why testing ductwork and the system has changed over time.
Apps for Construction - The Five Workflows to Digitize for Your Construction Company
Oct 13, 2020 | Webinar
In this EDGE Conference session, industry expert Rob McKinney shared his years of experience researching, selecting and implementing mobile technology on construction projects. Learn about the latest options available for mobile apps and how to make
Strategic Selling: A Systematic Approach to Winning Work in Complex, Competitive Environments
Oct 13, 2020 | Webinar
In this session, Anderton helps you craft strategic approaches to bid specific work opportunities that will increase the likelihood of your company being selected to build the project.
Preparing for an Unfair Labor Practice
Jun 29, 2020 | Webinar
This webinar covers the NLRB’s process for investigating ULP charges, techniques for presenting your best case, best practices for working with the NLRB investigator, how to avoid traps for the unwary, and potential options if the outcome of the
COVID-19 Special Webcast: Staying Calm and Seizing Opportunities
Apr 17, 2020 | Webinar
Recognizing that strong, steady leadership in a time of crisis is an essential skill, SMACNA partnered with Eric Anderton, a trusted construction-industry expert and business partner to host a webcast on how you can rise to the challenges presented
$2T Emergency Relief Bill Briefing
Mar 27, 2020 | Webinar
On Friday, March 27, 2020, SMACNA held a Webcast Briefing for more than 500 members and chapter executives. The presentation reviewed the $2.2 trillion relief bill as well as other measures including Families First Coronavirus Response Act.