The 2024 AHR Expo on January 22–24, brings together manufacturers & suppliers to share ideas and showcase the future of HVACR technology.
The 2024 AHR Expo on January 22–24, brings together manufacturers & suppliers to share ideas and showcase the future of HVACR technology. Experience everything new in HVACR and build the vital relationships to grow your business.
Make sure to visit SMACNA’s booth (N2712) to learn about our WeAreWhatWeBreathe campaign and the latest editions of SMACNA Guides and Standards including:
Join our session, “SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standard - Metal & Flexible” on Monday, January 22, 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. at S401d, led by Geoff Parks, Senior Projects Manager at SMACNA.
We can’t wait to see you in Chicago!
Published: January 9, 2024
Construction is one of the most complicated industries to understand from a tax perspective.
I wanted to start my first SMACNews column with a question: What was your biggest takeaway from October's Annual Convention? SMACNA broke attendance records for a non-Hawaii convention, and it was wonderful to engage with so many fellow SMACNA
Colorado Sheet Metal needed scaffolds to tackle HVAC efficiency upgrades in the U.S. Air Force Academy fieldhouse — the first renovations since it was built in 1968.
Industrial contractors can take advantage of tax credits for projects involving carbon capture, green hydrogen and beyond.
CASS Sheet Metal fabricated and installed metal panels for the Godfrey, a boutique hotel in one of the city’s historic areas.
Both chambers finished up legislative business and left town for a much-needed break to focus on constituent outreach over the Thanksgiving Holiday. December marks the first time in approximately a decade without government funding deadlines.
BE4ALL (Belonging and Excellence for All) launched in December 2021. It is a joint endeavor supported by SMACNA, SMART and ITI. The initiative envisions a diverse, inclusive and unionized sheet metal industry that is welcoming and fosters belonging
Embracing video marketing allows you to better connect with your audience, who often prefer watching videos on the go.
The 2024 AHR Expo on January 22–24, brings together manufacturers & suppliers to share ideas and showcase the future of HVACR technology.
In a major win for SMACNA members, the Department of Labor’s Final Rule — “Updating the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Regulations” — went into effect (“DBA Rule”). This is the DOL’s first update to the Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) regulations in over 40
Convention is one of the highpoints of SMACNA’s annual calendar. Our event in Phoenix was outstanding with great content and networking. A special thanks goes out to everyone who worked behind the scenes to make our gathering in Arizona one of the