Make sure you've exhausted all strategies to save or defer payment of one of your largest overhead items — income taxes.
Ronald J. Eagar
The purpose of a prequalification process is to evaluate whether a contractor is qualified to bid on a specific construction project. However, the bidding landscape was drastically altered by COVID-19, so it is increasingly important to strategically reposition the way you present your company.
As a challenging year comes to an end and construction companies begin tax planning, it is important to ensure you’ve exhausted all available strategies to save or defer the payment of one of your largest overhead items — income taxes.
There are several end-of-year income tax preparation strategies a contractor can utilize, including:
Once tax preparation begins, other strategies remain available until the day returns are filed, or even retroactively. Be sure to evaluate the following commonly overlooked opportunities:
Fuel tax credit. The excise tax included in the cost of gasoline funds the maintenance of highways and roads. The IRS offers a tax credit to contractors who purchase fuel for eligible off-highway business uses, such as stationary machines, bulldozers, earthmovers, etc.
The credit is computed by the rate per gallon that the IRS allows for each type of fuel. If a contractor purchased 10,000 gallons of undyed diesel fuel at the rate of .243, the credit would be $2,430. Over 10 years, this would multiply to a nearly $25,000 reduction of your tax obligation. Since this is a credit (not a deduction), it is a dollar-for-dollar reduction of your taxes. For contractors that are equipment-intensive, this can be a big savings.
Research & Development (R&D) credit. Commonly underutilized by contractors, the R&D tax credit can be applied to any new or improved business component whereby a process or product is created or improved, such as work performed on a structure to enhance construction performance, development of a new technique to increase efficiency, research of new construction methods due to site conditions, and creation of a new tool or part.
A four-part test determines eligibility:
A product or process that meets all four criteria likely qualifies as R&D. Like the fuel credit, this is a dollar-for-dollar reduction of taxes and can be a substantial year-after-year savings.
Section 179D deduction. The Energy-Efficient Commercial Building Deduction (179D) was made permanent this year. This deduction (up to $1.80 per square foot) is achieved through the installation of energy-efficient HVAC, building envelope and lighting assets. It applies to new construction and renovation of qualifying commercial buildings and apartment buildings of four stories or more.
Employee Retention Credit (ERC). If your business has less than 500 employees and was partially or completely shut down during COVID-19 or suffered more than a 20% revenue decline in 2021 (or 50% in 2020), don’t overlook this payroll tax credit. Revenue declines are measured quarter by quarter, compared to same quarter in 2019. Combined, the 2020-Q4 and 2021-Q1-Q4 ERC can equate to up to $33,000 per employee. Even if these quarters have passed, you can still amend Form 941 and request refunds.
It’s never too early to start planning tax strategies for 2021 and beyond. For information on more tax savings opportunities, contact
Published: December 9, 2021
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Make sure you've exhausted all strategies to save or defer payment of one of your largest overhead items — income taxes.