8th Edition of Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards Reflects Industry Updates

SMACNA released the eighth edition of its Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards in accordance with best practices from the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL).

Chantilly, Va. (December 10, 2021) — The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA), the leader in promoting quality and excellence in the sheet metal and air conditioning industry, today released the eighth edition of its Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards in accordance with best practices from the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL).

The Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards has been an industry resource for contractors since the first edition was published in 1992. First published in 1968, the manual has evolved to include industry innovations while providing contractors with the most updated information for fibrous glass duct installation and fabrication. The latest edition highlights new guidelines based on current practices with updates including the addition of application details for 1400 El 2” boards; revisions to tie rod reinforcement, channel system reinforcement, partial wrap-around reinforcement, and fasteners associated with the newer boards; and provisions for fittings, closures, and specifications as referenced by NAIMA and UL.

“SMACNA continues to advance engineering and design standards for ductwork, resulting in cost-effective construction techniques, greater system efficiencies and improved indoor air quality for building occupants,” said Vince Sandusky, CEO of SMACNA. “In updating this standard to reflect current industry practices in the use and installation of Fibrous Glass Duct, SMACNA helps ensure that all contractors operate under standardized industry procedures, including the use of specified materials and reinforcements in appropriate settings.”

Technical standards and manuals developed by SMACNA members have worldwide acceptance by the construction and code community, as well as local and national government agencies. SMACNA standards and manuals address all facets of the sheet metal and HVAC industry – including duct construction and installation, indoor air quality, energy recovery, roofing and architectural sheet metal, welding, and commissioning – and advancements are made possible by those in the industry who provide suggestions for improvement based on knowledge, experience, and research. Materials, including the latest edition of the Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards, are available to order in book or PDF format via SMACNA’s online bookstore.

For more information on SMACNA’s industry-leading standards, visit www.smacna.org/resources/technical/technical-standards.


SMACNA is an international trade association representing 3,500 contributing contractor firms and is a leader in promoting quality and excellence in the sheet metal and air conditioning industry. SMACNA members are responsible for effectively delivering the clean air people breathe in offices, homes, and hospitals; for many of the attractive facades you see on today’s stadiums and office buildings; and for the comfortable, healthy, and safe living environments in which our citizens live out their daily lives. SMACNA has national offices in Chantilly, Va., outside of Washington, D.C., and on Capitol Hill. For more information, visit www.SMACNA.org

Media Contact:

Meagan Dominick
Vault Communications


Dec 10, 2021 Press Release


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