FT-X™ EdgeCore™ Sets the Standard for ANSI Class 2 SRLs

The FallTech® FT-X EdgeCore utilizes proven engineering and a weight-saving lifeline for a versatile and comfortable SRD.

Article content provided by FallTech.

FallTech is the premier designer and manufacturer of fall protection equipment. It should come as no surprise then that its SRLs set the industry benchmark. That benchmark has a name: FT-X EdgeCore.

The FT-X is a personal self-retracting lifeline (SRL-P) that meets ANSI’s latest standard, Z359-14.2021, for a Class 2 self-retracting device (SRD). A Class 2 SRL anchors at, above, or up to 5 feet below a dorsal D-ring tie-off. Additionally, a Class 2 SRL has a retractable lifeline tested and rated for use within leading edge environments.

The FT-X EdgeCore provides a new level of comfort accomplished from its streamlined profile that it rests high and tight on the back for maximum comfort. No more aching backs or sore shoulders.

To extend its comfort, FallTech invented EdgeCore, a synthetic lifeline that delivers leading edge lifeline protection while reducing weight by 40% compared to 3/16” steel cable typically used for SRL-Ps. With this significant weight savings, no more sore shoulders, or lower back at the end of a workday. Moreover, SpeedLink™, an industry first, permits field replacement of an FT-X EdgeCore twin retractable if it does not pass inspection before use.

When working at height on a leading edge, with the FT-X's streamlined design and EdgeCore weight savings, you can concentrate on your work without distractions from your SRL-P. In addition, you will have the assurance that you made an excellent financial decision, too.

Visit the FallTech FT-X EdgeCore Page to find the option best for your needs.

Visit the Falltech website.

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FallTech is the premier manufacturer of fall protection equipment. Engineered to ANSI and OSHA standards, made in the USA.

Apr 30, 2024 Products & Services Update

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