Take a moment to review draft recommended language from ITI regarding health plan coverage for local union members transitioning to staff at SMART, ITI, NEMI, and SMOHIT.
SMACNA received the following draft recommended language from ITI regarding health plan coverage for local union members transitioning to staff at SMART, ITI, NEMI, and SMOHIT. SMACNA is sharing the below language for your information.
Draft Amendment to the Local Union Health Plan
Title: Amendment to Health Plan Coverage Requirements for Members Transitioning to Employment with SMART International Association (SMART IA), International Training Institute (ITI), National Energy Management Institute (NEMI), and Sheet Metal Occupational Health Institute Trust (SMOHIT) Funds
Purpose: To provide an exception for members who leave employment with their home local union to work for the SMART International Association (SMART IA) or any of the ITI, NEMI, or SMOHIT Trust Funds, allowing them to opt into the Sheet Metal Workers’ Health Plan without losing eligibility for their home local union’s health plan should they return.
Amendment Text:
Approval and Ratification:
This amendment shall be presented to the Trustees of the [Local Union Name] Health Plan for approval and ratification. Upon approval, it will be incorporated into the Health Plan document and communicated to all eligible members.
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