Duncan Elected as SMACNA President, New Executive Committee Seated

CEO and Owner of General Sheet Metal begins her one year term with a focus on further building SMACNA’s legislative influence while working to evolve the industry’s workforce.

The SMACNA Board of Directors has elected Carol Duncan, CEO and Owner of General Sheet Metal, to serve as President. Duncan’s year-long term in office begins at the close of SMACNA’s 79th Annual Convention in Phoenix.  

Duncan began her career in the sheet metal industry in 1982 at General Sheet Metal, a Clackamas, Oregon-based company specializing in mechanical, architectural, and HVAC fabrication, installation, and repair services for the commercial and industrial markets. Duncan’s leadership and expertise in the sheet metal industry have allowed her to rise through the ranks, becoming the company’s CEO in 2000. Since then, she has helped grow the company from 25 employees to more than 180 – all while building a positive corporate culture. 

One of Duncan’s proudest professional achievements was her work advocating for issues that affect the industry. She has been active on the national legislative front for over 25 years, serving as the Political Action Committee (PAC) Chair and Legislative Chair.   

An active member of SMACNA both nationally and locally, Duncan has served in many roles and committees, including the Products & Programs Coordinating Committee and SMACNA/SMART Best Practices Market Expansion Task Force. Locally, Duncan has been heavily involved in her local chapter, SMACNA Oregon & Southwest Washington. 

In her new role as President, Duncan will be focused on the BE4ALL initiative, a joint effort of SMACNA, SMART, and the International Training Institute (iTi), to positively impact the industry’s work culture and meet the real-world demand for the best, and most qualified workforce available. 

In addition to Duncan being elected President, the following individuals ascended to other positions within SMACNA’s Executive Committee:

  • Tom Martin (T.H. Martin)- President-Elect
  • Todd Hill (Ventcon)- Secretary-Treasurer
  • A. Scott Vidimos (Vidimos, Inc.)- Vice President
  • Tony Kocurek (Energy Balance and Integration)- Immediate Past President

Stay tuned to Member Update, SMACNews, and other SMACNA communications channels for a recap of events from the 2023 SMACNA Annual Convention.


Oct 25, 2023 Member Update

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