The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' Political Action Committee (SMACPAC) is the association's commitment to political action and your investment in the future.

SMACNA Takes a Strong Leadership Role on Capitol Hill

SMACNA National puts all the resources needed to stay on top of industry issues in the nation’s capital, including an office right on Capitol Hill.  That effort is matched by committed SMACNA members and it all pays off in the direct impact our industry has with legislators and regulators.

A Key Ingredient in SMACNA's Plan of Action is SMACPAC

SMACNA's political action committee accepts personal contributions from SMACNA members.  SMACPAC contributes those funds directly to candidates for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives as allowed by Federal Election law.  SMACPAC's prime goal is to support legislators who will give our industry real attention and a fair chance on the Hill.  SMACPAC helps elect a Congress that will support SMACNA's legislative objectives.

Washington Runs on Politics and Elections

Business leaders don’t dwell on last year’s success.  Neither do members of Congress – they are focused on the next election, not the last one.  All Representatives run for office every two years and Senators run every six years with one-third up for election every two years.  SMACNA does not stand idly by because we know that other associations with competing interests will step up to the plate and important industry battles will be lost.  We have to stay in the game or legislation affecting SMACNA business owners will be enacted without our experience, knowledge and input.

The SMACNA Advantage

SMACNA is dedicated to helping members run successful businesses by providing many benefits that create a competitive advantage.

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