
Legislative Focus

BuildingAction will focus on three core functions to build the influence of the green building sector at all levels of government:

  • ADVOCATING for bipartisan policies to help cut the energy and water use of America’s buildings in half by 2040.
  • BUILDING AWARENESS among policymakers and the public about the impact of sustainable buildings on the economy and environment.
  • UNITING those who create buildings with those who use them to build political and policy clout at all levels of government.

About the Coalition

BuildingAction's members and allies span the broad spectrum of companies and organizations whose members create and use America's buildings.

Despite their diverse missions and specialties, they share a commitment to transforming America's buildings to make them healthier and more sustainable.

Content reviewed 4/2021
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Coalition Lobbying

Coalition lobbying is the coordinated effort by diverse interest groups to lobby government with the aim of advancing a shared agenda and is one of the most frequently employed influence tactics used to produce policy change.

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