SMACNA Supports The Bipartisan Stauber (R-MN-8) Amendment, House Section 870, Offered to the FY 2023

The important amendment would ensure small business construction contractors receive timely payment for change orders on federal construction project.

SMACNA enthusiasticly supports the bipartisan Stauber (R-MN-8) amendment, House Section 870, offered to the FY 2023 NDAA (S. 4543/H.R. 7900). The important amendment would ensure small business construction contractors receive timely payment for change orders on federal construction project. Construction firms of all sizes, but especially small businesses, have had to weather the effects of the pandemic and soaring construction materials costs. This commonsense and bipartisan section will help ensure that our nation's small business construction contractors do not suffer financial ruin waiting to be paid for work the federal government ordered them to perform.

Nov 29, 2022 Letters & Testimony

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