RHCRA & HSA Presentation

While a Health Savings Account may be used in conjunction with an existing health plan and used while still actively working, a RHCRA is a stand-alone plan that may not be used while actively working.  This presentation discusses expenses covered

A Retiree Health Care Reimbursement Arrangement (RHCRA) is a reimbursement account that is set up and funded by employers. The account may be used to reimburse retired members eligible out-of-pocket medical expenses during retirement, and if allowed by the plan, eligible expenses for spouses and qualified dependents.

While a Health Savings Account may be used in conjunction with an existing health plan and used while still actively working, a RHCRA is a stand-alone plan that may not be used while actively working.  This presentation discusses expenses covered under an HCRA, important IRS rules to consider and coverage periods.

Retiree Health Care Reimbursement Accounts and Health Savings Accounts

content reviewed 2/2021


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