HVAC COVID-19 Guidance

This technical resource bulletin includes SMACNA’s recommended guidelines to open existing buildings with more specific emphasis on the building’s HVAC System.

Restoring occupancy of existing buildings that were shut down due to the COVID-19 virus or other reasons must be performed with strict safety procedures to mitigate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases, such as COVID-19.

This technical resource bulletin includes SMACNA’s recommended Guidelines to open existing buildings with more specific emphasis on the building’s HVAC System.  Guidelines from the CDC to wear a face covering, keep at least a 6 ft. social distancing from other people and the regular washing of hands.

Topics include: Ventilation Rates, Filtration, HVAC Equipment, Owners, Project Management, TAB, and Indoor Air Quality.

TRB #01-20 SMACNA HVAC COVID-19 Guidance

content reviewed 3/2021 


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