How the Labels Work

SMART’s “Label It, Scan It, Report It” phone app uses barcoded labels scanned via a phone app on building trades and production products to convey information on the average crew cost for the fabrication local and the jobsite local.

SMART’s “Label It, Scan It, Report It” phone app uses barcoded labels scanned via a phone app on building trades and production products to convey information on the average crew cost for the fabrication local and the jobsite local.  It can also be used to verify whether wage equalization occurred and allow the local union to intervene if necessary.

The program is intended by SMART to simplify the identification of union-made products and aid in the enforcement of wage equalization requirements in collective bargaining agreements.  However, employers maintain practical and legal concerns regarding the app relating to impacts on productivity, the potential for grievances and damage amounts.

 How the Labels Work

content reviewed 3/2021


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