Building Trades Wage & Fringe Database

The Building Trades Wage & Fringe Database tracks benefit information for approximately 100 local areas and helps contractors and chapters compare them more easily.

The Building Trades Wage & Fringe Database tracks benefit information for approximately 100 local areas and helps contractors and chapters compare them more easily. This information can be useful to contractors looking at bidding in areas outside their home local when they may not have the other area’s wage sheets. Additionally, many bargaining committees use the database to understand how their rates compare to surrounding areas or similar areas outside their region.

SMACNA tracks local settlements within the sheet metal industry as they are reported. View settlements for the current and prior year.

Download the Regional Summary - National Averages.

  • To view current rates in a specific area, use the search field at the bottom of the database or sort by column.
  • Create a printer-friendly report of an area by clicking on the magnifying glass   next to the Chapter name.



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