Announcement of SFUA A-08-11 and Annotated Draft

In August 2011, the SMART (formerly SMWIA) and SMACNA Labor Committees released a memorandum outlining revisions to the Standard Form of Union Agreement (SFUA).  The SFUA is a model collective bargaining agreement outlining labor policies of the two

In August 2011, the SMART (formerly SMWIA) and SMACNA Labor Committees released a memorandum outlining revisions to the Standard Form of Union Agreement (SFUA).  The SFUA is a model collective bargaining agreement outlining labor policies of the two national organizations and recommended for adoption by local bargaining units.  The majority of local building trades’ agreements incorporate the model, with addenda for local conditions.  The document also provides for the industry‐wide system of grievance and interest arbitration.  The memorandum includes a red-lined version of the SFUA showing the entire package of revisions.

content reviewed 1/2021


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