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Reviewing the OSHA Top 10 to Help Reduce Common Workers Compensation Injuries

What can you do to help prevent workplace injuries and accidents?

Operating a successful business carries a lot of responsibility. Understanding and reviewing common risks with your employees can go a long way in preventing accidents, controlling losses, and protecting profits to lead to a safer, healthier work environment.

Having an understanding of the OSHA Top 10 most frequently cited standards is a great way to keep an eye out for common risks that could lead to workers compensation injuries and claims. Take time to review the following with your employees.

For the 2021 fiscal year, the Top 10 consisted of1:

  1. Fall Protection
  2. Respiratory Protection
  3. Ladders
  4. Hazard Communication
  5. Scaffolding
  6. Fall Protection Training
  7. Control of Hazardous Energy (lockout/tagout)
  8. Eye and Face Protection
  9. Powered Industrial Trucks
  10. Machinery and Machine Guarding

Be Proactive
As an employer, you have a responsibility to help keep your employees safe. Take action now by:

  • Posting OSHA and safe work reminders in places employees will see them
  • Providing regular safety training
  • Delegating a risk manager
  • Implementing and regularly updating written safety programs
  • Maintaining accurate records of work-related injuries and illnesses
  • Supplying proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Informing of potential jobsite hazards through labels, alarms, and information sheets

The least expensive workers compensation claim is one that never occurs. Reach out to your local Federated® marketing representative today for more information.

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1. The Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards. Accessed 5/15/23.