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Attend SMACNA’s Women In Construction Summit

Come to New Orleans to learn more about creating a culture where input is encouraged and recognized, and where people are unafraid to ask for assistance or admit making mistakes in order to pursue continuous improvement. 

SMACNA's annual WIC Summit Meeting is scheduled for September 27, 2024, at the Loews New Orleans Hotel located in New Orleans near the Riverfront. Stephane McShane will present "Psychological Safety – Building the Right Culture to Enable Organizational Greatness." Below is the program description: 

Every organization strives for greatness, which comes from the level of engagement and performance of the people within the company. Psychological safety is not about "being nice" or "being comfortable."  Rather, it is about creating a culture where input is encouraged and recognized. It is an environment where people are unafraid to ask for assistance or admit to making mistakes. It is a space where ideas can be challenged constructively in the desire to pursue continuous improvement. 

Additional program information and registration: WIC|Summit|Registration

Below is the Preliminary schedule:

Thursday, September 26
5:00 pm           Network Reception

Friday, September 27
8:00 am           Networking Breakfast|
9:00 am           Psychological Safety – Stephane McShane
Noon                Lunch
1:00 pm           Program continued
5:00 pm           Adjournment

The Summit Meeting is immediately before the Trades Women Build Nations, scheduled for September 27-29, 2024, in New Orleans. There is a separate registration to attend the event: TWBN|Registration