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Take the Safety Toolbox Talk Survey!

Member feedback will help SMACNA understand current practices and needs, enabling us to enhance our support and resources to our members and chapters.

SMACNA is surveying to gather insights on using and implementing Safety Toolbox Safety Talks (TBST) within your chapters. Your feedback is invaluable and will help us better understand current practices and needs, enabling us to enhance our support and resources. This survey will take just a few minutes of your time.

Please answer the questions below in the following link:

1. OSHA Training Requirements:

  1. Are you aware that OSHA requires training in construction and shops and that monthly TBST for shops and weekly TBST for construction sites can assist in meeting those requirements?
  • OSHA 1926.21(b)(2) - The employer shall instruct each employee to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions and the regulations applicable to his work environment to control or eliminate any hazards or other exposure to illness or injury.
  • Over 20 separate 1910 General Industry Standards that require training for shop employees
  • Over 25 separate 1926 Construction Industry Standards that require training for construction employees

2. Current TBST Provision:

  1. Do you currently provide TBST within your chapter?
  2. If not, are you interested in starting to provide TBST?

3. TBST Implementation:

  1. How do you or your contractor members currently conduct TBST?
  2. What format do you or your contractor members provide TBST (e.g., in-person, online, or printed materials)?

4. Association TBST Awareness:

  1. Are you or your contractor members aware of the TBST resources provided by our association?

Your responses will help us tailor our support and assist chapters in helping members meet the OSHA training requirement.

Please email Justin Crandol if you have any questions regarding the survey.