Become a SMACNA Product Show Breakfast Sponsor

Put your chapter in the spotlight and help us continue to deliver the level of excellence SMACNA Product Show attendees have come to expect.

The 2024 SMACNA Product Show will be held on Tuesday, October 29. Currently there are over 75 companies registered to exhibit, and your chapter can easily be a highly visible part of this well-attended event by becoming a SMACNA Product Show Breakfast Sponsor.

With hundreds of attendees on-hand to view the impressive collection of new products, innovations, services, and solutions you can make sure that the spotlight is on your chapter as SMACNA member contractors engage directly with vendors and suppliers about their specific needs.

This year there are three unique sponsorship levels available, and each SMACNA Product Show Breakfast sponsorship will include:

  • Placement on Attendee Breakfast signage
  • Placement in Annual Convention slideshow
  • Recognition on SMACNA Annual Convention website
  • Recognition on SMACNA Product Show website
  • Recognition in the Annual Convention app

Learn more about how to become a SMACNA Product Show Breakfast Sponsor.